• Food Flask 4 in 1 Stainless Steel

ID : 24970

Food Flask 4 in 1 Stainless Steel


Rs4,250.00 (fixed)

Type : Sell
InterServer Web Hosting and VPS



Keep your food warm and carry on the go with the all new modern food warmer set. Its compact, versatile, Modern and easy to carry .Take it along for picnics or your office with the easy to carry handles. The thermal stainless stell aluminium will keep your food warm up to 5 hours.

Capacitiy in 4 Pcs – 1 L , 2 L,4 L & 6L


-Keeps food warm up to 5 hours-Comes with 4 pcs including a lunch box and cutlery set Handle for easy carry

  • Specially designed double wall
  • Strong and sturdy
  • Lid locking facility
  • inner stainless steel
  • 4 pieces with lids
  • good look for outside carry

Mention LankaMarket.lk when calling seller to get a good deal

InterServer Web Hosting and VPS


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