• Baby Hip Seat & Carrier

ID : 24791

Baby Hip Seat & Carrier


Rs2,550.00 (fixed)

Type : Sell
InterServer Web Hosting and VPS



Providing a fast and easy way to carry and put baby down in an instant, the Hips Seat Carrier is a cooler option during hot summer months.Your baby deserves the utmost care and attention. The baby hip seat baby carrier is the perfect gear to keep your baby in your sweet embraces. Attached with a wedge that supports the weight of the baby, the hip seat distributes the weight evenly on your waist while the straps clasps your baby on to your breast. Thanks to the padded shoulder and waist straps that reduce the pressure exerted on your body. So now you need not get into stifling positions to carry your baby.

  • Designed for even weight distribution on your back

*Cash On Delivery – (භාණ්ඩ ලැබුණු පසු මුදල් ගෙවන්න)
*Island wide delivery – (දිවයින පුරා බෙදැහැරීමේ සේවය.)
*Payments can be done through Ez cash or bank deposit as well -*Ez මුදල් හෝ බැංකු තැන්පතු හරහා ගෙවීම් කළ හැකිය

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InterServer Web Hosting and VPS


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